The movie talks about a Snow Princess, Kaguya, who tried to cover the Earth with ice but failed when the Silver Crystal melted it and saved the planet. Shes reattempting this plan again but a piece of her comet was lost and she sends out her Snow Dancers to find it. The piece of comet is found by a young astronomer named Kakeru and keeps it in his observatory. Kakeru also finds Luna who collapses in the middle of the road due to being sick with a cold.
This astronomer takes Luna in and nurses her back to healthy, but unbeknownst to Kakeru, Luna forms romantic feelings for him, leaving Artemis feeling rejected. Luna ends up in an unrequited relationship because one, shes a cat, and two, he has a girlfriend of his own. Shes another astronomer by the name of Himeko who doesnt agree with Kakeru on the existence of Princess Kaguya.
The twist of the story is this piece of comet attaches itself to Kakerus life force, slowly making him very ill. Snow Kaguya eventually finds the shard and begins to freeze the planet. The outer senshi join the inner senshi in trying to stop her but nothing seems to work. Every time a Snow Dancer is destroyed, Kaguya revives them with an ice crystal.
This movie begins with a magical song called Sanji No Yosei (3 O'Clock Fairy) playing on a flute, collecting children by hypnotizing them to leave their homes and go aboard a strange flying ship.
The next day, while the girls and Chibi-Usa are baking cookies together at Makoto's apartment, Chibi-Usa makes cookies that taste great but look unappetizing. While Usagi's look perfect but lack great taste. The two argue about the cookies and Chibi-Usa decides to bring her cookies to Mamoru but is caught up in seeing a little boy in strange clothes with wings standing outside a candy store. She realizes that she was only seeing things, but befriends the boy, Peruru, and gives him her cookies.
While this is going on, Usagi arrives at Mamoru's with her cookies, demanding to know which one is more important to him: her or Chibi-Usa. But because they are his future wife and daughter, he cant really answer her question. The movie basically revolves around Usagi's jealousy towards Chibi-Usa, kind of acting like she hates the kid, even though she really loves her. When Chibi-Usa is one of the kids hypnotized by the Sanji No Yosei, you see the love Usagi has for her.
The movie starts off with Mamoru's memory of being a child again back in the hospital and giving this other little boy a flower before the kid leaves. The boy thanks Mamoru, promising to bring a flower back to Mamoru. When the movie goes to present time, Usagi, Chibi-Usa, the four Inner Senshi, and Mamoru are at a garden where Usagi tries to kiss Mamoru, but he sees the others spying on them and walks off with Usagi sitting there with a kissy face on. So instead of kissing Mamoru, Usagi kisses the prank the girls play on her, causing her to spaz out.
Mamoru goes outside by himself and suddenly pink petals begin to float past him, then it starts to rain flower petals. The girls come out commenting on how beautiful it is. Usagi runs up to Mamoru but is interrupted by a young man, about Mamorus age, appears within the petal shower and takes Mamorus hand. Mamoru doesnt know who this young man is and a weirded out Usagi tries to remove the mans hand from Mamorus. He doesnt take this too lightly and pushes Usagi down saying that no one will stop him from keeping his promise. He disappears and Mamoru remembers who this guy is - Fiore.
As the movie continues, Fiore sends out a flower monster, called Glycina, to Toyko where it starts to drain the life energy from the people of Tokyo. Rei senses the evil when the girls are walking to school and they transform to destroy the monster. When Glycina is defeated, Fiore makes it known that is he responsible for this attack and introduces the Xenian flower has given him this ability. He basically dominates the girls by slamming them into walls and is too strong for them to fight. Just as hes about to impale Sailor Moon using claw like nails, but Tuxedo Mask appears and tries to talk Fiore out of talking, but the Xenian flower has brainwashed Fiore and he continues to attack Sailor Moon. Tuxedo Mask, however, jumps in front of her and gets hit by Fiores claws. Fiore takes Tuxedo Mask away to his vegetal astroid that is approaching Earth to revive him by placing him inside a crystal that is filled with liquid.
While Mamoru is in this crystal he remembers that he always thought Fiore was an imaginary friend, but it turns out - as we can see - he was real. Fiore explains that he had to leave because Earth did not suit him and that rose that Mamoru had given him, gave him to mission to wander the galaxy in search for a flower that was worthy of Mamoru and there he found the Xenian flower. That was when this flower took over Fiores mind, making him hateful for the people that left Mamoru alone on Earth, so he set his revenge on those humans.
While this is happening, Luna and Artemis explain to the inner senshi about an old legend about the Xenian flower and how it destroyed planets by using weak-hearted people. Sailor Mercury figures that the asteroid is the same as the flower monster and concludes that Fiore is hiding there and must have Mamoru with him as a prisoner. They decide to go after Mamoru and teleport to the asteroid to battle Fiore.
When they land on this asteroid, they see hundreds of flowers covering the service. Fiore confronts the scouts and tells them his plan is to scatter these flower seeds all over the planet Earth, then drain all of humanitys energy. The battle begins with flower minions of Fiores and before they know it, all the scouts, except Sailor Moon, is ensnared. Fiore orders for Sailor Moon to drop her weapon and to surrender or else her friends will suffer. Sailor Moon does as he says and begins to have her life-force drained from a flower monster.
As this is happening to Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask breaks free of his hold and just before Sailor Moon is killed. He throws a rose at Fiore, making him collapse. The rose stabs the Xenian flower on Fiores chest, breaking her control over Fiore.
Fiore feels betrayed by Tuxedo Mask and the flower all begin to vanish, leaving an naked asteroid to continue plummeting towards Earth. Sailor Moon attempts to use the Silver Crystal to change the course of the asteroid and as she does this, Fiore grabs the Crystal Star brooch to stop her, making her transformation turn to ribbons. Sailor Moon grabs Fiore and shows him an image that she was the one who gave Mamoru the rose he had given Fiore. Fiore becomes overcome with emotions, something Xenian was always able to change, but she is completely destroyed by the power from the Silver Crystal. Fiore disappears and Tuxedo Mask and the scouts lend Sailor Moon their powers, who is now Princess Serenity, but the crystal shatters while the asteroid breaks up.
Princess Serenity, returning back to her Sailor Moon form, dies during this process but Fiore reappears and thanks Mamoru. He gives him a nectar filled flower with his life-energy inside. Tuxedo Mask wets his lips with this nectar and kisses Sailor Moon, reviving her and repowering the Silver Crystal.
The Sailor Scouts protected the planet Earth once again!
Sailor Moon R:
Sailor Moon S:

Just before Kaguya goes to finish off the scouts, Sailor Moon steps up and prepares to activate the Silver Crystals power to protect the Earth. The eight Sailor Soldiers, along with Sailor Chibi Moon, combine their powers to help Sailor Moon gain more power. They defeat Kaguya and the Snow Dancers, along with her ice crystal and her comet - the planet Earth is saved!
After Kaguya is defeated, Sailor Moon wishes for Luna to become Princess Kaguya to give Kakeru the satisfaction in knowing she exist. She takes him near the moon and tells him to stop focusing on his work so much and pay attention to his girlfriend who loves him. Kakeru takes Lunas advice and meets Himeko at the airport while Luna and Artemis reconcile.
(This movie corresponds pretty closely to the Sailor Moon Manga Volume: 11.)
Sailor Moon SuperS:
When Chibi-Usa is walking with the rest of the hypnotized children, Diana (the youngest moon cat) wakes up Usagi, who joins the others to follow Chibi-Usa. They manage to save Chibi-Usa, but fight with the fairy playing the flute, Poupelin, and his Bonbon Babies. Poupelin plays with the girls by making them think they're in a world with a gingerbread house. It is Tuxedo Mask who breaks the spell on the girls and Peruru trying to dissuade Poupelin when an image of their Queen, Badiane, appears in the sky. She orders the fairies to hurry up and orders them to take Super Sailor Chibi-Moon with them, which a Bonbon Baby manages to do.
The ship that has kidnapped the children arrives at Marzipan Castle with the other two ships. The children run happily into the darkness when the doors open. Chibi-Moon isnt excited. She sees hundreds of Dream Coffins within the shadows that has all the sleeping children inside. As shes looking at these Dream Coffins a huge Badiane lifts her in the air, commenting on the enormous power coming from Chibi-Moon. Badiane explains that there is a Black Dream Hole forming in the center of the castle, gathering sugar energy from the sleeping children. Eventually it'll take over the Earth and every human will enter the Dream Coffins.
As this is happening with Chibi-Moon, Peruru is helping the scouts by flying his ship to the castle. When they reach the Marzipan Castle they are attacked and crash land the ship. A battle begins with Poupelin and the two other fairies, Banane and Orangeat, as well as their sets of Bonbon Babies. Just before all seems hopeless for the Inner Senshi, Sailor Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto appear, breaking the flute of the fairies, changing them into small birds.
Eventually they reach the area where Queen Badiane where they find Chibi-Moon's powers are drained. The power begins to drain all the sailor scouts except Super Sailor Moon who becomes half-retransformed. It is now Sailor Moons turn to save Chibi-Moon, who is being taken into the black hole with Badiane. Sailor Moon follows but then finds herself in Mamoru's apartment. Mamoru has Chibi-Usa in his arms and lays her in bed to go to sleep, then tells Sailor Moon not to worry about anything and to stay there with him. She asks who's more important to him again and this time he answers that she is. Sailor Moon replies by picking Chibi-Usa up and wakes up and breaks out of the Dream Coffin, holding Chibi-Moon in her arms.
As Sailor Moon tries to escape, Badiane demands for her to give Chibi-Moon back, but Sailor Moon refuses and is attacked by an angry ball of energy that is now Badiane. The scouts outside the Dark Dream Hole, hears Sailor Moon's mental cry and send whats left of their energy and power to Sailor Moon to help her. Sailor Moon manages to wake up Chibi-Moon and together they destroy Badiane with their attack: Moon Gorgeous Meditation!
The Marzipan Castle self destructs and with the help of Peruru they escape while the airships return the children back to Earth.
At the end of the movie, Peruru gives Chibi-Usa his glass flute, telling her that he is a fairy who protects children and will always be with her. Chibi-Usa kisses his cheek and watches him fly off.
The end of the movie is a still shot of all the Sailor Scouts looking out over the sun rising.
(It's really a beautiful image and unfortunately no other movie was made...)