Sailor Moon Materials Collection
The Materials Collection was published two years after the series ended. It contains rough sketches and designs.
The book is actually pretty neat. It's in Japanese and has notes from Naoko explaining what certain things look like.
The entire Sailor Moon collection of characters is in this book. (All but the Doom Series characters which I find odd because the characters from the third movie is included in this book.)
(To view the entire Materials Collection online swing by MangaStyle.net)
Parallel Sailor Moon
This was a bonus parody comic that appeared in the back of the materials collection book.
Naoko made it quite clear that Usagi only had one daughter, but since it is a parody, Usagi had another daughter named Kousagi.
In the first few pages, the Inner Senshi are adults, while characters shown later on in the comic are their children. And yes, they look EXACTLY like the Senshi we know and love.