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Sailor Jupiter

Makoto Kino



Who is Makoto Kino?


Makoto (aka Lita) is the strong, tom-boy who is very sensitive when her friends get to know her. She goes to the same school as Usagi and Ami but wears a the old uniform because the new ones don't fit her. She wears her hair up, holding it in place with a green hair tie and wears rose earrings, symbolizing her femininity.


Her parents died when she was younger and takes care of herself. While living alone, she had taken up the skill of cooking and wants to marry and own a flower/cake shop.



Makoto as Sailor Jupiter:


Soldier of Thunder and Courage, Sailor Jupiter's powers circle around thunder and plant-like attacks. She is the muscle of the scouts and shows this even when she's not Sailor Jupiter.


Like Sailor Mercury has her computerized glasses, Sailor Jupiter has an antennea that is revealed through her tiara during certain lightning generated attacks.



Sailor Moon is not a creation made by me. This is only a fansite.

Sailor Moon's characters and story are creations and copyright of Naoko Takeuchi - ©Sailor Moon (1992-1997)

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