Sailor Venus is the former leader of the Sailor Guardians when they were in their past lives at the Moon Kingdom. After they are reborn, Sailor Venus takes her role following Sailor Moon and becomes the Guardian of ?Love and Beauty?. She first appears in Volume 2 of the manga and Act 8 of Sailor Moon Crystal.
Artemis, a white cat like Luna, accompanies Sailor Venus and already introduced her to her powers when she was Sailor V. Normally Sailor Venus would shout the same thing as the others using her power-up pen: "Venus Power Make Up!" But in Crystal, when Sailor Venus first appears and is introduced in Act 8, she is named Sailor V or Princess and has no power-up saying. She also has no attack associated with her true guardian name "Venus". Instead she uses the attack "Crescent Boomerang" to attack the enemies.
In Act 8, Sailor Venus tries to take on Kunzite and Dark Kingdom by herself, but soon realizes that she needs the others.
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Sailor Venus

Minako Aino is the alter ego of both Sailor Venus and Sailor V. She is 14 years old and in Junior High, but it is unclear what school she really attends. From the manga's standpoint, she was a transfer student from England, but Sailor Moon Crystal still needs to advance more before anything else is known about Minako. Like Usagi, Minako has Artemis that accompanies her everywhere.
Minako is very distant from the others when she reveals to them in Act 8 that she is the alter ego Sailor V. She hides important facts from the others and continuously tells Artemis that she has a mission that she must complete alone.
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Minako Aino

Sailor V is the name Minako took on before she awakened as Sailor Venus. According to Sailor Moon Crystal, Sailor V has been kicking youma butts until Sailor Moon came around. She's accompanied by Artemis and appears watching the others in Act 6 after a fight with Zoisite and Queen Beryl, but is not introduced until Act 8. When she is formally introduced, Artemis informs the others that she is the Moon Princess, Serenity.
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Sailor V