Tuxedo Mask
Mamoru Chiba
Act 7
Back at the base under the arcade, Luna is at her computers speaking to the Sailor Guardian that appeared in the last act. They're talking about the Sailor Guardians and how they've all awakened but haven't recovered their memories. Luna tells this Guardian that Sailor Moon is inexperienced and needs more time, but she's told that there is no time - the enemy is already here.
In the Dark Kingdom, Queen Beryl is offering human energy to her Queen - Metaria. She tells her queen that the Sailor Guardians are alive and may know where the "Legendary Silver Crystal" is. Queen Metaria tells her that they cannot have the successors to the Moon Kingdom awaken and that she needs the crystal as soon as possible so everything on the Earth will be hers.
As Queen Beryl listens, she thinks to herself how once Queen Metaria is revived she will eat the entire planet. Queen Beryl does not want this to happen. She begins to speak about the past, at "D-point near the North Pole" where she was lead to the where the Dark Kingdom is now and with her own hands brought Queen Metaria back but she will not give her the crystal when she fiinds it - she wants the world to be hers. She calls for Zoisite and tells him that Sailor Moon may hold the "Legendary Silver Crystal".
Act 7 begins with Usagi realizing she used her new attack and she's now in the apartment of Tuxedo Mask's. She gets out of the bed she's in and is talking to Mamoru - she then realizes that he is Tuxedo Mask. Mamoru tells her he's looking for the "Legendary Silver Crystal" to regain his lost memory.
Mamoru tells Usagi that it was his birthday and he asked his parents to go for a drive and while going on the trip his parents lost control of wheel and flew off the side of the mountain. He is only left with the memory of the doctor calling him Mamoru and he's not even sure if that's really his name. Then tells her he started having a dream with just the words "Legendary Silver Crystal" being repeated which made him go out and find it. He asks Usagi why she's looking for the "Legendary Silver Crystal" as well and her answer is: "Luna told [her] to find it and protect it".
Mamoru asks Usagi to keep this a secret between them. Usagi thinks about Luna's warning about him but she can't help the way she feels about him. Before Usagi leaves Mamoru's apartment, he calls her "Usa-ko" for the first time which makes her blush all the way home. She decides to call him "Mamo-chan".

Rei walks home from school past a DVD rental shop and is knocked into by a man repeating the same words over and over again: "I gotta watch as soon as I get home". She finds it strange then hears two ladies talking about how they are going to find Sailor Moon first. She looks at the store and doesn't feel right about it.
The next day, Usagi is enjoying the home made lunch that Mako-chan made. She is with Ami as well who is looking at a "FinePad" and is researching Sailor V. They notice a crescent moon Sailor V's head like Luna and figure it has something to do with the Moon Kingdom. While they're talking, Umino appears out of nowhere dressed as a bush and looks crazy. He tells them that Sailor Moon is the talk of the town and how everyone is looking for her, but he'll be the one to catch her. Umino then creeps away and the girls are freaked out.
Later that day, Usagi asks Naru if she wants to walk home together but Naru is not herself. Her eyes are blank and she's mumbling that she has to find Sailor Moon. Usagi is shocked at what she said and knocks into a students desk and picks up the boy's DVD that dropped. She looks at the disc and see "Rental Dark Shop" - this DVD is in everyone's bags.
They head to the arcade with Ami and put the disc in the Sailor V game, but spits it out. Sailor V appears on the screen telling her that it's the enemy's brainwashing DVD and if they don't hurry up everyone is going get hurt. Ami takes the disc and tells her that she will look into it.

The next scene shows Mamoru on a bus and the driver slams on the brakes. The driver adn the other passengers are mumbling that they need to find Sailor Moon and get the "Legendary Silver Crystal" from her. Back at the arcade, Ami and Luna are watching the disc. It is Zoisite is behind the brainwashing. He's sending messages through the DVDs for everyone to find Sailor Moon and bring her to the Dark Kingdom.
On the streets, Mako-chan is watching everyone going crazy. Rei is also going through the streets seeing this. They are talking to Ami who warns them of what's going on. They transfer into the Sailor Guardians and go to the source.

Usagi is then surprised by Luna who tells Ami that she knows nothing about Sailor V and how she doesn't think she's associated with the Moon Kingdom at all. Ami jokes that Usagi may have special powers since she's the leader and maybe can sense something about Sailor V. Mako-chan then begins to laugh at Usagi's face - it's covered in ketchup. She starts looking for her hankerchief but instead finds the watch that she accidentally took from Mamoru's. She thinks about him at that moment, about how they both know each other's alter-selves. She's afraid she'll be scolded if she tells the others and wonders if she'll ever get to see him again if she did. Her heart pounds fast thinking about him and she misses him.
As Usagi brings his watch to her face as if hugging it - Mamoru is on a balcony with her hankerchief and brings it to his lips.
Zoisite knocks Sailor Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter out with the attack and demands again where the crystal is or else Sailor Moon will die. He pulls on his hold and she begins to pass out with thoughts of Tuxedo Mask. Just then Tuxedo Mask comes flying in, punching Zoisite in the face - making him let go of Sailor Moon. Zoisite mocks him about the crystal and Tuxedo Mask goes to attack him again but Zoisite puts up a shield.
Tuxedo Mask is hit away with a burst of Zoisite's powers. Sailor Moon is grabbed by Zoisite again before she could go to Tuxedo Mask. Tuxedo Mask struggles to sit up and Zoisite mocks him again about the crystal and Sailor Moon comes to his defense as to why he wants the crystal. She says he's been alone for a long time and Tuxedo Mask thinks back on his wish to wanting the "Legendary Silver Crystal" but now his true wish is Usa-ko.
Usagi is hiding from the people on the streets. She's scared to turn into Sailor Moon, but she knows she has to do this. She is looking at Mamoru's watch and asks for him to lend her his powers. She takes another then transforms into Sailor Moon. She uses her "Moon Healing Escalation" power before the citizens attack her and heals everyone. But right after she heals everyone, she is knocked to the ground from Zoisite's power jump to the ground.
Before Sailor Moon could tell him she was going to punish him, he jumped behind her and held her in a throat lock with his arm. He demands were the "Legendary Silver Crystal" is and she tells him she doesn't know, but he doesn't believe her. Zoisite is then attacked by Sailor Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter, but it doesn't touch him. He shows off his true powers and blocks the attacks.

Zoisite has heard enough and brings a large attack to his hands to send to Tuxedo Mas. Sailor Moon tries to stop him, but he tosses her away. Zoisite decides to kill her first but the attack is destroyed. Sailor Moon looks up to see a girl with long blonde hair standing on a rooftop - she has caught her Moon Boomerang.
Sailor Moon sees the crescent moon on her forehead - it's Sailor V with a white cat. Sailor V is not in her normal suit though, this time it's like the other Sailor Guardians, but it's orange.